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A New Way to Stay Connected
Retirees to Log-on Via Cal Retirement Center Network Starting in April

By Tamara Keith, Public Affairs
Posted March 10, 1999

Peter Kerner worked on the Berkeley campus for 35 years before retiring last June. Though he comes to campus weekly for social engagements and maintains close ties with the Office of Media Services, where he was director, retirement has been a shock to his system.

"To have that abrupt change in my life was a major event," said Kerner. "Not coming to work every day was very different. I missed a lot of the social interaction.

"Cal became very important to me not just as a job; it was a very big part of my life as well as my family's life," said Kerner. "When I retired it never crossed my mind that I would not somehow be connected to Berkeley."

Kerner will soon find it easier to stay connected to the Berkeley campus, thanks to the Cal Retirement Center Network -- a new program giving retired staff and non-Senate academic appointees email accounts and web access. The program is offered by the UC Berkeley Retirement Center in conjunction with Information Systems and Technology and Business and Administrative Services.

Beginning in April, all retired staff will be able to enjoy the benefits of the network for a small monthly fee. Network members get an email address and access to the web, either on campus or at home, through SHIPS -- the campus' fee-for-service Internet connection. They may also buy computer supplies at reduced educational rates through The Scholar's Workstation, access the campus library online catalogues and attend computer-training classes offered by the Center.

The Network is made possible in part by a Vice Chancellors' Academic Council decision that redefined the "Cal community."

"What's exciting is that retirees are now included within the definition of the campus community," said Bud Travers, assistant to the vice chancellor -- resource development, which is one of the network's partners. According to Travers, this redefinition made it appropriate for all retirees to sign on to the web under the "" domain.

"The network is an example of how the Retirement Center helps retirees maintain their connection to Cal," said Shelley Glazer, director of the UC Berkeley Retirement Center. "Though Retirees no longer work here, many, like Peter, are still involved with their departments and other campus programs and services."

The Retirement Center also provides programs and services and arranges a variety of connections to campus resources, including Cal Performances discounts, library cards, free hours at the Berkeley Art Museum, parking discounts and a low-cost vision plan through the School of Optometry.

For information on the retirement center or the Cal Retirement Center Network, call 642-5461 or visit the center at 2 Boalt Hall.



March 10 - 16, 1999 (Volume 27, Number 26)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the
Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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